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Monday to friday: 8h30 to 17h


1 888 625-6846

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If I work from home, do I have to notify my insurance company?

If you have a home office, you must notify your insurer. Special coverage may have to be added to your contract:

  • Computer equipment;
  • Civil liability if you receive customers;
  • Etc.
Why does the presence of a wood-burning stove in my home affect my insurance premium?

The risk of fire is much higher when using a wood stove. The insurance premium may differ depending on how often you use it. The insurance company may want confirmation that the stove and chimney are in good condition, and that their installation complies with applicable building and fire codes.

I was involved in an accident: someone hit my car while it was parked. Do I have a deductible to pay?

No deductible applies in the event of a not-at-fault collision.

Is my vehicle insured if I lend it to a friend and they have an accident?

Any driver with a valid driver’s license can drive your vehicle. In the event of an accident, you will be covered according to the coverage you have contracted. However, you are required to declare any driver living under your roof who holds a valid driver’s license. The same applies if this person drives your car on a regular basis.

If I am not at fault for the accident, will the third-party insurer pay for the damages to my car?

It is always the vehicle’s insurer who pays the repair bill, based on the vehicle owner’s coverage.

I am a tenant and I own old furniture that is worth next to nothing. Do I really need to take out insurance?

An insurance contract includes the replacement value clause. This means that you will be able to replace your damaged goods with new goods of the same quality. In addition, liability insurance is also included in all insurance contracts. This will be useful, especially if you cause a fire in your home that causes damage to your neighbours. Your insurer will be able to compensate your neighbours for the damage caused by the fire you started.


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